
Automotive Accessories


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Motyx aims to meet the needs of the automotive market. The core business is represented by the distribution of a variety of accessories, satisfying the demands of different application areas: from the chemical line, to accessories and tools, up to personal protective equipment.


Select the part category to access the group of related parts and accessories.

Distributed by Maurelli GROUP


Motyx, a private label born in 2019, is one of the projects in which the Maurelli Group, international LEADER in the distribution of spare parts for trucks & trailers, believes the most.

The Motyx brand puts in place the experience and capillarity of Maurelli Distribuzione, to aim for a privileged role in the automotive sector.

Years of experience
+ 0
Items in range
+ 0
Authorized Dealers
+ 0
of warehouse
+ 0

Research and development: Private Label

Motyx is synonymous with quality and innovation.
With particular attention to reliability. Motyx products are selected and subjected to rigorous tests and have quality certification in compliance with the most stringent regulations on safety and protection of the environment and user health.

Prodotti Chimici Certificati
Motyx Prodotti Chimici

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Address: Via Cerasa SNC, Pastorano (CE)

Phone: +39 0823 1508711

Mobile: +39 347 0319642

Email: [email protected]

Address: Via Cerasa SNC, Pastorano (CE)

Phone: +39 0823 1508711

Mobile: +39 347 0319642

Email: [email protected]